Paging Justice Sotomayoyor. Let me tell you two things, Justice Sotomayor. 1) What you said is completely incorrect, and you are complicit in the falsehoods and lies used to fool the public about vaccines. 2) VENTILATORS harmed rather than assisted individuals.
“We have hospitals that are virtually at capacity with individuals who are critically ill and on ventilators,” Sotomayor added. We have over 100,000 children in critical condition, something we’ve never had before, many of them are on ventilators.”
What pure nonsense from a Supreme Court justice and the foolishness and nonsense they spewed was incredible. I was astounded by their ineptness on the COVID problem, yet they are sitting over one of the most important SCOTUS rulings in history, on par with Roe v Wade.

It will determine whether I and you can ever have a job that requires these immunizations or not. It has far-reaching implications, and we had justices who were so ill-informed and illogical that it was mind-boggling. It’s disheartening. I believe they must rule against it… They realize that if they go along with this, their credibility will be shattered, no matter how idiotic they sounded. They will be detrimental to the Supreme Court.
But I must return to the main matter at hand, which is the ventilator, which she raised…
She has brought to the floor something that has been talked about and not discussed, out of fear, and I will table it and ask you to share it because it is factual and I will challenge anyone on it because there is clear evidence:
Former POTUS Trump put his faith in whatever they said could and would work. He was a staunch supporter of the ventilator. The truth is that the ventilator killed thousands of people, and Cuomo was correct.
Yes, Governor Cuomo of New York was correct when he said he couldn’t understand why so many people were dying. I despise his views and actions, but I am aware that many in politics are like him, including pedophiles and other unscrupulous individuals, and I am someone who prefers to stay on the side of the truth. Unless you ask me about the mangoes I and some pals used to eat off the Archbishop’s mango tree on the islands when I was a kid.
Trump has again bought into the ventilators, this time with the help of his COVID Task Force experts. The ventilators, like the lockdowns, inflicted terrible injuries, and he had little understanding of the science. No one bothered to notify him, because I’m sure he would have declined.
They lied to him about everything, including the benefits of lockdowns, masks, and school closures, the PCR test, equal risk if we are all exposed, and that an age-risk stratified approach was unnecessary, asymptomatic transmission being real, recurrent infection, and natural immunity being inferior, and so on. It was all a lie. They were outright liars. These were deadly catastrophic lies with devastating repercussions, not virtuous lies or ‘small’ lies.
The ventilators were not only ineffective but also deadly. Thousands of people died as a result of the ventilators. They were unnecessary since they ruined the lungs and caused harm to humans. The ventilators have high pressure, were not calibrated properly, and the people who used them were not taught how to utilize them, resulting in barotrauma, or lung trauma. Or were they already brutal to begin with and would have died regardless? Again, we need the facts to be able to make clear policy decisions.
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Early on, I and others advocated that a kinder and gentler oxygenation was required to save the lungs while giving the patient time to recuperate. To investigate the ventilation push when evidence arose that it was damaging. Some even advocated keeping the patient in a hypercapnic state for as long as possible.
There’s even a ‘happy hypoxia’ area or zone.
“However, the ventilator also represents a turning point in a patient’s COVID-19 course, and concerns are now being raised about whether the equipment can also do harm.” Many people who are put on a ventilator die, and those who survive are likely to have ongoing breathing issues as a result of the equipment or the virus’s damage.”
We’ll chat more about it later, but for now, I’ll put some information on the table for you to consider, and I’ll ‘circle back to you on this.’ Yes, we must distinguish between the early stages of the pandemic and current use. We require the most recent information. Although it may be due to improper use, several have claimed that the wrong type of intervention was required. Because the lungs were irritated and traumatized, the vent exacerbated the injury. Occasionally, fatally: