thinking and results feedback

Analytical vs. Intuitive Thinker

People’s perceptions and reactions to situations vary widely. Your outlook on life is influenced by the way you think. Is it the event itself that matters, or how you perceive it?

How much do you rely on your instincts when making a decision, or do you prefer to think things through?

You won’t be able to fit into a single one. Everyone can think both intuitively and analytically, depending on the circumstances. However, you may be naturally more intuitive or more logical than the other way around on most days.

When you know where you fall on the spectrum, it’s easier to make conscious efforts to include the types of thinkers you tend to overlook in your decision-making.

What’s the Difference between Intuitive and Analytical?

When making a decision, intuitive thinkers rely on their intuition. As a result, they make decisions based on their own experiences and often act quickly based on what feels right to them at any given time. When it comes to making decisions, they rely heavily on their intuition.

Intuition is a good thing because it saves time and money while allowing you to tackle complex issues quickly, albeit superficially. Then again, you’re prone to being a little more subjective. You must also have a lot of experience before you can rely on your intuition.

They are more critical and evaluative in their thinking. When it comes to resolving a problem, they follow a formula. For them, making a decision is a process of careful consideration, weighing all the options, and considering all sides before making an informed choice.

Analytical thinkers are agnostic to their own biases. Although this approach can be counterintuitive and resource-intensive, it is necessary. You may procrastinate frequently and take your time to conclude.

How can you tell if you’re more of an intuitive thinker or a more analytical one? Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.


How to Tell If You’re an Intuitive Person

You’re empathetic to the feelings of others.

You pay attention to the feelings of those around you and process everything thoroughly. It improves your empathy and consideration. But it can also cause you to withdraw, especially when other people’s feelings overwhelm you.

As a result, you’re a good judge of character and circumstance.

A person’s nonverbal cues and body language can tell you a lot about their personality. You have a keen eye for detail and can see right through people. However, you are aware of the warning signs and can tell when someone isn’t who they appear to be.

This awareness requires you to develop a special relationship with nature.

You have the impression that you are receiving information from sources beyond your control. Attunement with nature is evident in the way you pay close attention to your surroundings. You’re able to discern patterns that others miss, and you have faith in the power of serendipity and fate.

You’re aware of your feelings and thoughts…

You’re in tune with your emotions and cognizant of the possibility that your instincts may be incorrect. Nevertheless, you make an effort to decipher what your emotions are trying to convey to you.

You’re always looking ahead and planning for the future.

You have a positive outlook on life. You’re able to anticipate potential issues, but you’re also capable of processing and rising above anything negative. Even if things appear to be going sour, you have faith that things will turn around for the better.

Analytical bs Intuitive

An Analytical Thinker’s Symptoms

It seems like you have a lot of queries.

Before you can come up with an answer, you must first ask and answer a lot of questions. You go into the nitty-gritty. Inquisitiveness and skepticism characterize your approach. You have a keen mind and can be a bit of a stickler for detail.

Evidence is important to you.

Using the information you gather, you make better decisions. You’re a fact-oriented person who is open to other points of view as long as they’re backed up by solid evidence.

You do your own research and are aware of those of others.

You’re skeptical, so you test your own and other people’s hypotheses constantly and assiduously.

You enjoy taking on new challenges.

You relish the opportunity to engage in a constructive debate when you are challenged. You’re well aware that creative solutions often result from stepping outside of one’s comfort zone and listening to the perspectives of those around you.

You’re a stickler for detail.

You’re a very methodical and logical person. To arrive at a logical conclusion, you follow a step-by-step and linear path. With your method, you can get down to the nuts and bolts of a problem and break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Getting the Right Mix

An intuitive thinker and an analytical thinker are not two distinct individuals. To make better life choices, people require both of these characteristics. It’s important to know which type of thinker you are in order to be more deliberate in your efforts to find the center. Intuition and analysis must be balanced to come up with a better strategy for dealing with various situations.